July 2015 – Press Round Up!

Meet the Chicago startup that wants to purify your wine
Ben Franks Wine
3 awesome wine kickstarter campaigns
The simple chemistry behind removing wine sulfites
Fox Business News Network
Getting rid of the sulfites in your wine
Yahoo! Screen
Getting rid of the sulfites in your wine
Windy City Media Group
Dining news: Bountiful Eatery marks three years; Ullo launches wine filter
Sulfite-filtering Ullo aims to make wine-drinking less whine-inducing
Ullo invents a remarkable way to purify your wine
The Drinks Business
Gadget claims to filter wine sulphites
Home gadget Ullo claims to remove sulphites in wine
Wine News
Home gadget Ullo claims to remove sulphites in wine
Daily news: Fireball wings, Joe Paterno beer and a town still under prohibition
New wine purification gadget turns to crowdfunding for investment
Food News Latam
Ullo el purificatdor de vino
Wine and Spirits
Sulfite filter will help sufferers enjoy wine
Dornob Oh joy!
Filter removes wine sulfites for headache-free drinks
Vouch Magazine
Purify every bottle of wine in the cellar with Ullo
Windy City Media Group
Chicagoan launches wine-purification produc