Media inquiries:

“This Ullo wine purifier removes suliftes and sediment from your bottle, and it fits perfectly on top of every glass.”

"Patented Selective Sulfite filtration technology removes harmful sulfites the moment their job as a preservative is over, right when you open the bottle."

"remove artificial sulfite preservatives and histamines (FYI, these little buggers can often cause a sneezy, stuffy nose, a headache or nausea for wine drinkers) from reds, whites and roses."

"if using a system is something you opt for, especially if removing sulfites or allergens is your primary reason for doing so, Üllo’s offerings check all the right boxes."

"Ullo Open Wine Purifier, which uses a selective filtration system to remove sulfites and reduce the histamines that can cause headaches and hangovers..."

"We were shocked to find that there are ways to avoid wine headaches without actually giving up wine!"

“This small-but-mighty wine purifier removes artificial sulfates to distill your glass of red, white, or rosé. And, it's dishwasher safe.”

"For your friend (or yourself) who loves wine... Ullo is taking perhaps a more natural but innovative route...”

"I've given this a try; not only does the aerator work as promised but there are also no histamine headaches the next morning from residual sulfites"

"As long as she likes wine, you really can’t go wrong with this unique gift idea. Made to purify, aerate, and chill, it enhances any white, red, or rose that passes through."

“Sulphites are widely present in wines…but sulphites are a recognized allergen and their presence must be printed on bottle labels…”

“…remove sulfites and sediment as you pour out your favorite vintage.”

"A super nifty chill wine purifier that has the one-two (or, one-two-three?) punch of removing histamines and the artificial sulfite preservatives, PLUS chilling wine to 60 degrees F *and* aerating any glass of red, white, or rosé wine."

"The easy-to-use filter and gorgeous handblown carafe make even less expensive wines taste so much better."

"Üllo's hand blown wine decanter and wine purifier is the kitchen gadget that will let your wine's aromas, and flavors of your favorite red wine or white wine come alive."

"What dad would pass up on the opportunity to make their wine taste better? I know mine wouldn't! Check out the Üllo Wine Purifier for wine-loving dads."

“…removes sulfites (a chemical preservative) from your favorite glass or bottle of wine, returning wine to its natural, pure state.”

“This wine purifier removes the sulfites from your wine of choice-all you have to do is place it over your glass and pour for a perfect glass every time.”

“The Ullo Wine Purifier uses what it calls “Selective Sulfite Capture technology” and an adjustable wine aerator to give each glass its fullest, most robust taste.”

“This wine purifier removes the sulfites from your wine of choice—all you have to do is place it over your glass and pour for a perfect glass every time.”

“Üllo’s products will allow wine drinkers to remove the sulfites. The sulfites become bonded to the [filter], and the rest of the wine flows through.”

“...Sulfite Capture™ technology, which can filter away free sulfites and their bitter taste, while allowing other compounds in wine to flow through unaffected.”

Risk & Reward’s Dierdre Bolton interviews Üllo inventor James Kornacki in advance of their crowdfunding launch.

Good Design Award
Gold Winner

Chicago Design Awards
Gold Winner