Ullo (Üllo) Focused on Enhancing the Wine Drinking Experience, Removing Sulfites Associated with Allergy, Wine Headache, Hangover
This article at Kitchenware Today features a Q&A with Üllo founder James Kornacki, here is just a quick taste.
KWT: How do your products help purify wine?
JK: Üllo doubles as a wine purifier and aerator, and its Selective Sulfite Capture technology selectively removes sulfites without other components in the wine (it’s the only product on the market that is selective like this). One percent of Americans are known to suffer from sulfite sensitivities (with symptoms such as rashes, itchy eyes, headaches), so whether you are looking to enjoy a glass of wine without the consequences or are looking for a smoother tasting wine (since sulfites can give a bitter taste), this is a great tool to have on hand.
KWT: How big of an issue are sulfites in wine for wine drinkers?
JK: Sulfites are a very reactive chemical which helps explain why they are an excellent preservative. They are a known allergen for a small percentage of the population. For the rest of us, looking at the mechanism of action for sulfites will shed some light on why wine lovers may not agree with sulfites despite being allergy-free.
One way that sulfites help to preserve a wine is through enzymatic deactivation. One form of sulfites, HSO3–, can inactivate a whole range of enzymes. The most noticeable is polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which helps slow wine turning brown (similar in concept to how lemon juice will stop an apple from browning). While enzyme deactivation is great in some instances, it is not necessarily something you want happening to your digestive system when drinking wine.
Sulfites also inhibit the growth of a wide range of microorganisms, including yeast and bacteria. Researchers don’t quite know the mechanism for this, but it is likely multitarget. It may include the reduction of vitamins (NAD+, thiamin) and the reduction of disulfide bridges in proteins. Again, these are great when the goal is to keep something preserved with no bacterial or fungal growth. Still, we know that our digestive system is full of good bacteria. People may have adverse reactions to wines with sulfites if they are disrupting their microbiome. Combine these two aspects of sulfites along with the harsh effects of alcohol, and you start to get a picture of why people complain about wine headaches and issues with sulfites.
Read the complete article at kitchenwaretoday.com.