Ullo Launches Uno Wine Purifying Wands

Portable Wine Accessory Eliminates Sulfites Anywhere at Anytime
Ullo, the market leader in consumer wine purification, has added wine purifying wands, called Uno, to its collection of solutions for removing sulfites from wine. Enabled by Ullo’s patented Selective Sulfite™ technology, Uno wands are the newest and most advanced way to filter histamines and sulfites simply by swirling the Uno wand in your favorite glass of wine. The Uno wand selectively binds sulfites and histamines while gently aerating your wine to create a more flavorful and aromatic experience.
Uno wands are the first wine wands to be made from plant-based bioplastics and the only wine wands that can be recycled. “We understood that we were making a single-use product and immediately felt the imperative to make it as eco-friendly as possible. The world’s wine growing regions are already being affected by climate change,” says James Kornacki, PhD, chemist and inventor of Ullo.
Artificial sulfites are added to virtually all wines as a preservative during the winemaking process to make wine shelf stable. A known allergen, sulfites can exacerbate a host of issues from throat irritation, flushing, and congestion, to headaches and hangovers the next day. Ullo’s patented technology is unique to the market in its ability to remove sulfites and reduce histamines selectively, meaning it won’t compromise the natural flavor and aroma compounds that make every wine unique.
Current wine wands on the market have the unintended effect of removing all organic ingredients from your glass, including the natural flavor compounds such as polyphenols, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. An even worse alternative is using chemical wine drops containing hydrogen peroxide which work by converting sulfites into sulfuric acid. Only Uno targets artificial sulfites and histamines by utilizing Ullo’s patented technology to deliver your vino exactly as the winemaker intended, with a taste experience that is beyond compare.
“So many of our customers have been asking for a product that is convenient for when they want to enjoy a glass of wine out and about, whether they’re at their favorite restaurant, having a picnic or attending a party, so we thoughtfully designed Ullo Uno to accommodate these different settings. Whether it's white or red, still or sparkling, or anything in-between, a simple two-minute stir of the Uno wand is all it takes,” says Joe Radosevich, Ullo’s in-house sommelier.
Coming in 4-pack, 10-pack, and 25-packs, Ullo Uno is also available at Amazon.