Ullo Wine Purifier on Buy It Now

Üllo inventor James Kornacki on Buy It Now to talk science and drink pure wine.
Recently, the brand’s Founder, James Kornacki, appeared as a contestant on Channel 4’s Buy it Now to pitch the revolutionary Üllo Wine Purifier to potential customers and a panel of UK retailers. With just 90 seconds to pitch and impress the audience, Kornacki managed to successfully walk away on the day with a new listing on Firebox.com. Kornacki comments, “having to pitch a product that I, along with the Üllo team, have worked so hard on for so long in just 90 seconds was extremely challenging, but it was also really exciting! It was a real buzz to pitch directly to all of the retailers on the day too and I couldn’t be happier to be working with Firebox as a result of my time on show!”