Wines with low sulfites

If you love Ullo as much as we do, you probably know more about sulfites than the average person, but in case you're new to wine purification, here's a quick sip on sulfites and wine and whether it's worth it to look for low sulfite wines.
Sulfites are a naturally occurring compound created by yeast during the wine fermentation process, but most of the sulfites in your favorite bottle come from the winemaker. Winemakers add sulfites not because they love them or taste tremendous but because they are essential for preserving most wines. The main job of sulfites is to prevent the wine from oxidizing and to prevent microbial spoilage of the wine before we get the chance to enjoy it.
Without sulfites, wines made without the requisite cleanliness or attention to detail can quickly spoil or develop off-flavors, so the vast majority of wines have added sulfites. Unfortunately, we all know about the problems that sulfites can cause. Sulfites aren't always our best friend, from runny noses to congestion, headaches, and skin rashes. Because of that, natural wines and low sulfite wines have become a growing trend.
Some trends in wine are great, like the trend towards not 'over oaking' red wines, but we think other trends should be approached with more skepticism. In theory, we love natural wines or low sulfite wines but unfortunately, buying these wines has been a gamble. First, there aren't any set definitions for what 'natural' wine is, so what might be natural to you isn't natural to every winemaker. Second, while we love 'natural' wines that don't use pesticides or other synthetic chemicals, wines without sulfites don't serve a purpose if they develop off-flavors or go bad before being able to enjoy them. At that point, they are just alcoholic grape juice that no one wants to drink.
Not only do natural wines risk turning into natural disasters as they have no preservative protection, it now appears that without sulfites, wine is also susceptible to increased levels of histamines! This is a peculiar finding but has an easy explanation. Without sulfites being added before fermentation, certain bacteria can survive in the grape juice and produce biogenic amines (a fancy and less grotesque name for histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine) during the fermentation.
For these reasons, we always prefer to purify our wines with our Ullo purifier instead of seeking our natural or low sulfite wines. Skilled winemakers and quality wines can control the amount of sulfites they use, and with Ullo's wine purifier, we can be sure to remove them and histamines before enjoying our next glass, which to us is the best of both worlds!
Sulfites are a naturally occurring compound created by yeast during the wine fermentation process, but most of the sulfites in your favorite bottle come from the winemaker. Winemakers add sulfites not because they love them or taste tremendous but because they are essential for preserving most wines. The main job of sulfites is to prevent the wine from oxidizing and to prevent microbial spoilage of the wine before we get the chance to enjoy it.
Without sulfites, wines made without the requisite cleanliness or attention to detail can quickly spoil or develop off-flavors, so the vast majority of wines have added sulfites. Unfortunately, we all know about the problems that sulfites can cause. Sulfites aren't always our best friend, from runny noses to congestion, headaches, and skin rashes. Because of that, natural wines and low sulfite wines have become a growing trend.
Some trends in wine are great, like the trend towards not 'over oaking' red wines, but we think other trends should be approached with more skepticism. In theory, we love natural wines or low sulfite wines but unfortunately, buying these wines has been a gamble. First, there aren't any set definitions for what 'natural' wine is, so what might be natural to you isn't natural to every winemaker. Second, while we love 'natural' wines that don't use pesticides or other synthetic chemicals, wines without sulfites don't serve a purpose if they develop off-flavors or go bad before being able to enjoy them. At that point, they are just alcoholic grape juice that no one wants to drink.
Not only do natural wines risk turning into natural disasters as they have no preservative protection, it now appears that without sulfites, wine is also susceptible to increased levels of histamines! This is a peculiar finding but has an easy explanation. Without sulfites being added before fermentation, certain bacteria can survive in the grape juice and produce biogenic amines (a fancy and less grotesque name for histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine) during the fermentation.
For these reasons, we always prefer to purify our wines with our Ullo purifier instead of seeking our natural or low sulfite wines. Skilled winemakers and quality wines can control the amount of sulfites they use, and with Ullo's wine purifier, we can be sure to remove them and histamines before enjoying our next glass, which to us is the best of both worlds!